Do you want to listen to beautiful Christmas music this season? Here are some FREE sources that may interest you.
The Mormon Tabernacle Choir offers free downloads of 5 of their Christmas songs. I LOVE the beautiful renditions they have.
The choir also has free 24/7 streaming.
Want to watch and listen to past or current episodes of Music and the Spoken Word? Go here for their archives.
Want to watch and listen to past Christmas concerts? Go here for archives.
Enjoy the wondrous, marvelous music of Christmas!
Thanks for reading,
Friday, December 12, 2014
Wednesday, December 10, 2014
Parenting Tip - Eyes to See
Eyes to see.
But what if you don't have eyes? Even though this video has been going around a lot, I would like to share it again.
This is such an inspirational story. I love it.
I listened to a talk this morning as I walked that was also about seeing, but from a different perspective. It was focused on we,who DO have eyes. As a biologist, the speaker talked about how animals can camouflage themselves from predators. He also talked about how Jesus taught with parables to hide the truth from disbelievers.
I thought how as parents, sometimes we don't SEE our children as they really are. We get so caught up in life and living, or we're so frustrated and worried, that we miss what is in front of our eyes.
I remember praying for days and weeks that I would have more patience. With 3 small boys running around the house playing loudly and fighting and crying, and with me lying on the couch, not feeling well because I was pregnant, I felt I really needed patience to get through this period of my life.
I was frustrated because I was definitely not becoming more patient. Then the thought came to me to just ENJOY my children. I started watching them as they played, how they talked to their cars and made up stories. I listened to them as they sang little songs while concentrating on coloring a picture or putting a puzzle together. I marveled at how they could figure things out while building tents with blankets and how they problem solved when the blanket kept falling down. Suddenly I WAS more patient, because I SAW my boys with different eyes. (Hey, was and saw are the same, spelled backwards. Is there significance in that?)
I think if we can stop and SEE our children, our frustrations and anger, our impatience and irritation, our resentfulness at staying home will become dissolved. We will see them as they are. Sons and daughters of God, entrusted into our care. We'll see them as children who are learning, experiencing, wondering, practicing, forgetting and relearning, doubting, feeling, trying, marveling and loving. We'll see them as God sees them and we'll be up for the Challenge of raising them. Because we'll have God's love for them within ourselves.
At this Chrstimas season, I am excited to SEE all the wonder and love and magic that is around.
Thanks for reading,
Eyes to see.
But what if you don't have eyes? Even though this video has been going around a lot, I would like to share it again.
I listened to a talk this morning as I walked that was also about seeing, but from a different perspective. It was focused on we,who DO have eyes. As a biologist, the speaker talked about how animals can camouflage themselves from predators. He also talked about how Jesus taught with parables to hide the truth from disbelievers.
I thought how as parents, sometimes we don't SEE our children as they really are. We get so caught up in life and living, or we're so frustrated and worried, that we miss what is in front of our eyes.
I remember praying for days and weeks that I would have more patience. With 3 small boys running around the house playing loudly and fighting and crying, and with me lying on the couch, not feeling well because I was pregnant, I felt I really needed patience to get through this period of my life.
I was frustrated because I was definitely not becoming more patient. Then the thought came to me to just ENJOY my children. I started watching them as they played, how they talked to their cars and made up stories. I listened to them as they sang little songs while concentrating on coloring a picture or putting a puzzle together. I marveled at how they could figure things out while building tents with blankets and how they problem solved when the blanket kept falling down. Suddenly I WAS more patient, because I SAW my boys with different eyes. (Hey, was and saw are the same, spelled backwards. Is there significance in that?)
I think if we can stop and SEE our children, our frustrations and anger, our impatience and irritation, our resentfulness at staying home will become dissolved. We will see them as they are. Sons and daughters of God, entrusted into our care. We'll see them as children who are learning, experiencing, wondering, practicing, forgetting and relearning, doubting, feeling, trying, marveling and loving. We'll see them as God sees them and we'll be up for the Challenge of raising them. Because we'll have God's love for them within ourselves.
At this Chrstimas season, I am excited to SEE all the wonder and love and magic that is around.
Thanks for reading,
Parenting Tip - He is the Gift
HE is the Gift
He IS the Gift
He is THE Gift
He is the GIFT
It was interesting how in just changing one word, my idea and thoughts would change each time.
I hope you can share THE GIFT this season in your actions, thoughts, with your family and with others you meet. I hope I can, too!
#ShareTheGift of our Savior and Redeemer, Jesus Christ.
Thanks for reading,
Friday, November 21, 2014
Parenting Tip - Teach Gratitude
My son and his family sent me a Thanksgiving round they recorded of themselves. It wasn't perfect, but it was awesome, anyway. I couldn't figure out how to embed the song on my blog, so here are some other Thanksgiving songs for you to enjoy instead.
Here's a funny Thanksgiving song for you to enjoy.
I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving and remember to ....... give thanks!
"Thanks" for reading,
Monday, November 10, 2014
Parenting Tip - 3 Cheers for Cub Scout "Moms"!
have 4 boys, but have never worked in cub scouts, even though all my boys
attended and advanced in scouting. I was always the
Mom who was asked to volunteer to work with the children’s music programs. My mother was a Den Leader when she was in
her 60’s and truly loved it. I think
maybe I missed out on something. Maybe
with my grandsons I’ll be able to help in the cub scouting program.
friend of mine, Alyson Gardner, has
worked extensively in our local cub scouting program. I’m amazed at her enthusiasm and love for the
boys and for scouts. Here are her words:
love working in Cub Scouts! Cub Scouts is one of the times when I can
truly enjoy everything good about a boy being "all boy."
Sometimes at church I might be quick to notice the boys' irreverent
behaviors such as wiggling in their seats, shouting out answers or poking their
neighbor. At cub scouts I notice these same behaviors but in a different
light. Suddenly, that restless boy is a fast runner or good at basketball.
Or the loud boy becomes the inquisitive boy that wants to understand the
what and how of a science experiment. And the rowdy boy discovers he
makes a great bear when performing in the den skit. Cub Scouting is a
wonderful opportunity for boys to discover hidden talents, develop confidence
in themselves and have fun!
of my favorite things to do as a Den Leader is to go into the home of a boy who
is about to turn of age and join my den. I sit down with him and his
parents. I explain the ins and outs of cub scouting including the reasons
we wear a uniform. Often I'll help him pass off a simple requirement or
two. We talk about what he can expect from me his leader - a fun,
productive and safe learning environment and what I will expect of him - a good
attitude, coming prepared and treating others with respect. The best part is
that while I'm making myself familiar to the boy and getting to know him a
little better, I'm also spreading enthusiasm for cub scouts. I've found
that when I take the time to hold this personal meeting, that the boy is more
excited to come to den meetings each week and his parents are more committed to
helping him. I feel that when I sacrifice a little of my time I
send the big message that "You're important and I care about
of my best learning moments with the boys have been when we are working on the religious
knots. My all time favorite was with a group of 8 year olds. We
were discussing the principle of faith and sharing stories from the scriptures
of people who had faith. We began our den meeting by doing some fun hands
on activities that demonstrated aspects of faith such as hope, courage and
trust. Then we broke into two groups and each boy chose one story of
faith. They studied it and then shared it with the group asking specific
questions and ended by bearing their testimonies. It was an amazing
experience to have the boys go from laughing and playing as they practiced
having faith, to bearing their personal witness of our Savior Jesus Christ.
As they bore their testimonies, it was a silent audience.
remember that we do it for "the one." My first year as a
Webelos leader I only had 2-3 boys. Occasionally, because of conflicts in
some of the boys' schedules, only one boy would show up. How easy it
would have been to justify cancelling cub scouts by telling myself that it was
an awful lot of work for just one boy. But I didn't. Instead, my
assistant and I would present the material and have that one boy do the
requirements. This young man earned his Webelos and Arrow of Light ranks
and continued on into Boy Scouts. Eventually, through his experiences in
scouting he earned his Eagle. I had nothing to do with him earning his
Eagle, but maybe my small act of holding consistent den meetings and having a
genuine interest in his success, helped him along the road.
then there was Danny (name changed). He acted up in church and so the
other children avoided him. I wasn't his den leader but I knew him
because he was in our pack. I tried to say hello and visit with him when
I saw him at church, school or pack meetings. There wasn't much I could
do to help him have friends, but I could try to help him feel loved. I
tried to notice every time he did something nice or "good," no matter
however small and compliment him on it. He didn't have a uniform so I
found one to give him. I remember how happy he looked at pack meetings to
be wearing a uniform like the other boys. I was his sub in his church
classes several times. He always had behavior issues, but I noticed that
he was quick to respond to my correction. I think that was because he knew that
I loved him. He felt safe.
I would love for every cub scout leader to realize the importance of his/her calling. I feel sad when I hear leaders say, "I'm stuck in cub scouting," as if they've been put in exile. I worry that they feel their position is insignificant when in reality it has the potential to change the lives of boys.”
I would love for every cub scout leader to realize the importance of his/her calling. I feel sad when I hear leaders say, "I'm stuck in cub scouting," as if they've been put in exile. I worry that they feel their position is insignificant when in reality it has the potential to change the lives of boys.”
Wow! There is a mother who in actuality is a
mother to many other children—all boys!
The world is a better place with moms like her who see great potential
in rowdy little boys and help them grow into responsible young men.
Thanks for reading,
Sunday, October 26, 2014
Parenting Tip - How To Be Happy
One of my favorite authors is Gretchen Rubins who wrote The Happiness Project and Happiness at Home. Her ideas are so simple and doable, yet they are so significant in adding to your happiness, like: get enough sleep. This is a no-brainer that no one does!
I just read an article about Hank Smith who gave a talk called, The Surprising Science Behind "Supremely Happy" People. It's a great review--you should click on the link and read it.
I would like to add two more ideas on the subject of "how to be happy". Find something that you can totally be in control of. This may sound weird at first, but one of the reasons people become unhappy is because of the situations they are in, whether it be financial, relationship problems, health or job issues, or many other things that seem to be totally out of their control. I have found that if you can find just one thing that you can control in your life, your happiness level jumps skyward.
I found this out early on in my married life. Situations would arise that were totally out of my control in regards to my husband's work. Then as children became teenagers, their choices were sometimes not my choices and I really felt out of control. But anytime this happened, I would find a sewing project to keep my mind focused elsewhere, and I discovered that being totally in charge of how I was going to implement that sewing project, made me feel more in control of other aspects of my life and I could cope and even be happy.
A couple of weeks ago I felt totally out of control and overwhelmed.
My waterbed heater burned a hole in the mattress, which flooded and destroyed my bedroom carpet. My homeowners would pay for new carpeting, so I planned on re-carpeting the bedroom. But when I removed the waterbed and sold it, I discovered that I had never painted the wall behind the headboard. So now I needed to paint the bedroom before getting the new carpeting. BUT, my bedroom has that horrible popcorn ceiling, so since the carpeting was gone and the room cleared out, it only made sense to scrape off the ceiling, then paint, then get new carpeting.
Enter stomach ache.
We're talking about a major project here. I don't have time for a major project. I have company coming for Christmas and I am redecorating and painting the guest bedroom and sewing a king size quilt for the bed. I don't have time for two bedroom projects.
Enter stomach ache and head ache.
What do I do? After thinking and thinking and becoming more and more stressed, I talked to a friend and said I wished I could save my bedroom project for January when I would have more time and be looking for something to do. I told her I didn't mind sleeping in the new bed I bought in an uncarpeted bedroom with a crazy paint job on the wall.
I just wanted the guest bedroom to get finished before Christmas. Then it hit me! Okay, just wait on my bedroom project. Stay on task and do the guest room project.
The relief was enormous.
My spirits lifted, I felt happy, relieved, energized and proud that I had used SELF CONTROL to help me become more IN CONTROL of my situation.
So the next time you are feeling down, stressed, or out of control--find a project where YOU are totally in control of it's destiny, whether it's a sewing project, book to read, new recipe to try or whatever. Then DO IT. CONTROL IT.
Or, use

to get back on track of where you want to go.
Either way, it's a win-win situation where YOU are in control and HAPPY.
Thanks for reading,
PS Have you had a similar experience? Share your story with us.
I just read an article about Hank Smith who gave a talk called, The Surprising Science Behind "Supremely Happy" People. It's a great review--you should click on the link and read it.
I would like to add two more ideas on the subject of "how to be happy". Find something that you can totally be in control of. This may sound weird at first, but one of the reasons people become unhappy is because of the situations they are in, whether it be financial, relationship problems, health or job issues, or many other things that seem to be totally out of their control. I have found that if you can find just one thing that you can control in your life, your happiness level jumps skyward.
I found this out early on in my married life. Situations would arise that were totally out of my control in regards to my husband's work. Then as children became teenagers, their choices were sometimes not my choices and I really felt out of control. But anytime this happened, I would find a sewing project to keep my mind focused elsewhere, and I discovered that being totally in charge of how I was going to implement that sewing project, made me feel more in control of other aspects of my life and I could cope and even be happy.
A couple of weeks ago I felt totally out of control and overwhelmed.
My waterbed heater burned a hole in the mattress, which flooded and destroyed my bedroom carpet. My homeowners would pay for new carpeting, so I planned on re-carpeting the bedroom. But when I removed the waterbed and sold it, I discovered that I had never painted the wall behind the headboard. So now I needed to paint the bedroom before getting the new carpeting. BUT, my bedroom has that horrible popcorn ceiling, so since the carpeting was gone and the room cleared out, it only made sense to scrape off the ceiling, then paint, then get new carpeting.
Enter stomach ache.
We're talking about a major project here. I don't have time for a major project. I have company coming for Christmas and I am redecorating and painting the guest bedroom and sewing a king size quilt for the bed. I don't have time for two bedroom projects.
Enter stomach ache and head ache.
What do I do? After thinking and thinking and becoming more and more stressed, I talked to a friend and said I wished I could save my bedroom project for January when I would have more time and be looking for something to do. I told her I didn't mind sleeping in the new bed I bought in an uncarpeted bedroom with a crazy paint job on the wall.
I just wanted the guest bedroom to get finished before Christmas. Then it hit me! Okay, just wait on my bedroom project. Stay on task and do the guest room project.
The relief was enormous.
My spirits lifted, I felt happy, relieved, energized and proud that I had used SELF CONTROL to help me become more IN CONTROL of my situation.
So the next time you are feeling down, stressed, or out of control--find a project where YOU are totally in control of it's destiny, whether it's a sewing project, book to read, new recipe to try or whatever. Then DO IT. CONTROL IT.
Or, use

to get back on track of where you want to go.
Either way, it's a win-win situation where YOU are in control and HAPPY.
Thanks for reading,
PS Have you had a similar experience? Share your story with us.
Sunday, September 21, 2014
Parenting Tip - You DO Make a Difference
For all mothers and women, and men, and....... and sisters and cousins. For all of us. This message will bring you comfort.
Maybe this mom didn't make the same choices you would have made, but we have all been where she has been and had those kind of days. The key is to have the Spirit with us to know when to say "yes" to someone else's need or when to say "no" and put our needs and our family first. That's the hard part, knowing what choices to make.
But it's comforting to me to know that Heavenly Father cares about the "one". So if we can help ONE, then we are choosing the best choice. And sometimes that ONE will be yourself.
Thanks for reading,
Maybe this mom didn't make the same choices you would have made, but we have all been where she has been and had those kind of days. The key is to have the Spirit with us to know when to say "yes" to someone else's need or when to say "no" and put our needs and our family first. That's the hard part, knowing what choices to make.
But it's comforting to me to know that Heavenly Father cares about the "one". So if we can help ONE, then we are choosing the best choice. And sometimes that ONE will be yourself.
Thanks for reading,
Parenting Tips,
self worth,
teaching children
Sunday, September 14, 2014
Parenting Tip - Grandmothers
Grandmothers. Unconditional love. Special treats. Toys. Stories.
What is there about grandmothers that bring a lump to the throat, a wistful smile, and forgotten memory?
Grandmothers = LOVE
Grandmothers = ACCEPTANCE
Grandmothers = SECURITY
As a grandmother, I cherish notes and letters I've received from my grandchildren.
Kimball wrote, "Just to let you know, I'm still singing."
January left a note, "This is the best summer I've ever had!"
Graham sent a text picture, "Don't I look like Grandpa?"
Elise emailed, "You should read this book, grandma."
Dean cried until he could talk to grandma on the phone and then said, " aharrggdhhheapokn."
Remember your grandmother today. Tell her you love her. If she's gone, share with your children your memories of her. Say a prayer of gratitude for her wonderful influence in your life.
Thanks for reading,
What is there about grandmothers that bring a lump to the throat, a wistful smile, and forgotten memory?
Grandmothers = LOVE
Grandmothers = ACCEPTANCE
Grandmothers = SECURITY
As a grandmother, I cherish notes and letters I've received from my grandchildren.
Kimball wrote, "Just to let you know, I'm still singing."
January left a note, "This is the best summer I've ever had!"
Graham sent a text picture, "Don't I look like Grandpa?"
Elise emailed, "You should read this book, grandma."
Dean cried until he could talk to grandma on the phone and then said, " aharrggdhhheapokn."
Remember your grandmother today. Tell her you love her. If she's gone, share with your children your memories of her. Say a prayer of gratitude for her wonderful influence in your life.
Thanks for reading,
Parenting Tips,
writing memories
Tuesday, August 19, 2014
Parenting Tip - I Could Have Been Rich, Instead I'm Happy
I just finished reading Paul Stutzman's book "Hiking Thru". I cried and laughed all the way through it. This is a man who lost his wife to cancer, then followed God's counsel to retire from his career in the restaurant business and hike the Appalachian Trail (which took him 5 months to do). During his hike he found peace with God and found a new direction for his life.
The author met many other hikers on the trail and hiked with them during different sections of his 2,000+ miles hike. A fellow hiker named Pathfinder, also lost his wife. Pathfinder told him that after his wife died, he sold his construction company at the height of the building boom and left to hike the Appalachian Trail. He told the author, "If I'd kept my business and not done that hike, I'd be a rich man today. Instead, I'm happy."
That thought has stayed with me since reading the book. "Instead, I'm happy."
What choices have you made--and are they making you happy?
Have you chosen to stay at home with your children so you can teach, love and mother them?
Have you chosen a smaller home to live in so you can have financial peace of mind?
Have you chosen to not nag your husband/wife and instead nourish and enjoy him/her?
Look at your life and look at your choices,
Thanks for reading,
The author met many other hikers on the trail and hiked with them during different sections of his 2,000+ miles hike. A fellow hiker named Pathfinder, also lost his wife. Pathfinder told him that after his wife died, he sold his construction company at the height of the building boom and left to hike the Appalachian Trail. He told the author, "If I'd kept my business and not done that hike, I'd be a rich man today. Instead, I'm happy."
That thought has stayed with me since reading the book. "Instead, I'm happy."
What choices have you made--and are they making you happy?
Have you chosen to stay at home with your children so you can teach, love and mother them?
Have you chosen a smaller home to live in so you can have financial peace of mind?
Have you chosen to not nag your husband/wife and instead nourish and enjoy him/her?
Look at your life and look at your choices,
Thanks for reading,
Saturday, August 9, 2014
Music Tip - Sign up for a class!
Hey Moms and Grandmas- Want to have some fun with your preschoolers?
Sign up for the PARACHUTE music class I'm teaching at the IDEA MUSEUM on Aug 15 and/or Aug 30
Music for Tots
Friday, August 15, 2014 10:30-11:15
Parachute fun! This class will have your child singing and dancing, while launching balls and scarves up, up and away. Pre-registration required. (Registration includes all day museum admission for both parent and child)
Ages: 1-5 years (Child must be accompanied by an adult)
Cost: Members $3, Nonmembers $10
Sign up for the PARACHUTE music class I'm teaching at the IDEA MUSEUM on Aug 15 and/or Aug 30

Music for Tots
Friday, August 15, 2014 10:30-11:15
Parachute fun! This class will have your child singing and dancing, while launching balls and scarves up, up and away. Pre-registration required. (Registration includes all day museum admission for both parent and child)
Ages: 1-5 years (Child must be accompanied by an adult)
Cost: Members $3, Nonmembers $10
Tuesday, August 5, 2014
Parenting Tip - Slow Down-Look up
"It is not so much the major events, as the small day to day decisions that map the course of our living." Gordon B. Hinckley
"We would do well to slow down a little. Focus on the significant, lift up our eyes, and truly see the things that matter most.
Strength comes not from frantic activity but from being settled on a firm foundation of truth and light. It comes from paying attention to the divine things that matter most.
"Diligently doing the things that matter most will lead us to the Savior of the world." Dieter Uchtdorf
Wednesday, July 2, 2014
Parenting Tip - Daily Checklist for my Children
Are you a LIST person? Do you make lists and check them off? I definitely am a list person--so is my mother--so are my 3 daughters. If I do something during the day that isn't on my list, I write it on just so I can check it off.
So you can imagine my excitement when hearing about the book: The Checklist Manifesto: How to Get Things Right by Atul Gawande. It was a great read. Atul Gawande is a surgeon in the United States. He is concerned about the errors made by the medical field when treating patients and though he realizes the complexity and variety of medical issues and treatments there are, he wonders if some sort of "checklist" can be used to lessen the degree of errors--and deaths.
Dr. Gawande studied and interviewed people in the airline industry. We are all acquainted with a pilot's checklist, the one he goes through before taking off. What ideas could the medical field use from their checklist? The author also researched the skyscraper industry; how do they ensure they are building safe skyscrapers with all the steps that are required to build something that tall?
Reading this book made me excited to apply the author's ideas into my own life. How could a checklist help me make sure I am living my life without "error" and that I am building the best person I can build?
I remember as a young mother discussing this very idea with two close friends. I made a list of what I wanted my children to learn before they became adults and then set goals to make sure I was teaching them properly.
I wondered what a mother would put on a daily checklist. Here's an idea:
So what would you put on a daily checklist? Did I forget some essential items?
Thanks for reading,
So you can imagine my excitement when hearing about the book: The Checklist Manifesto: How to Get Things Right by Atul Gawande. It was a great read. Atul Gawande is a surgeon in the United States. He is concerned about the errors made by the medical field when treating patients and though he realizes the complexity and variety of medical issues and treatments there are, he wonders if some sort of "checklist" can be used to lessen the degree of errors--and deaths.
Dr. Gawande studied and interviewed people in the airline industry. We are all acquainted with a pilot's checklist, the one he goes through before taking off. What ideas could the medical field use from their checklist? The author also researched the skyscraper industry; how do they ensure they are building safe skyscrapers with all the steps that are required to build something that tall?
Reading this book made me excited to apply the author's ideas into my own life. How could a checklist help me make sure I am living my life without "error" and that I am building the best person I can build?
I remember as a young mother discussing this very idea with two close friends. I made a list of what I wanted my children to learn before they became adults and then set goals to make sure I was teaching them properly.
I wondered what a mother would put on a daily checklist. Here's an idea:
There's no mention of music lessons, sports, or gymnastics on the daily checklist. While those activities do enhance and develop your child's abilities, they certainly aren't required to produce an outstanding, responsible young adult.
Thanks for reading,
Thursday, June 26, 2014
Music Tip - Smart Phones and Piano
Here's a clever idea to motivate your children to practice.
I received a musical text of my granddaughter playing The Entertainer on the piano. It was really well done. I texted her back, of course, and told her what a great job she had done. I found out she had learned the piece in two hours! That was a lot of concentrated practicing she did.
How about using this idea to encourage your child to practice--then record him/her and send it to grandma, or cousins or Dad at work. It would be fun to record the way he played it on the first day, then record it again after it is polished and compare the results. A great object lesson on the value of perseverance, working consistently, breaking down a hard thing, etc.
My, what a wonderful mother you are to teach your child such values!
I received a musical text of my granddaughter playing The Entertainer on the piano. It was really well done. I texted her back, of course, and told her what a great job she had done. I found out she had learned the piece in two hours! That was a lot of concentrated practicing she did.
How about using this idea to encourage your child to practice--then record him/her and send it to grandma, or cousins or Dad at work. It would be fun to record the way he played it on the first day, then record it again after it is polished and compare the results. A great object lesson on the value of perseverance, working consistently, breaking down a hard thing, etc.
My, what a wonderful mother you are to teach your child such values!
Thanks for reading,
Sunday, June 22, 2014
Music Tip - Music from Frozen
Here are my simplified versions of music from the movie Frozen. There are several editions out on the internet, but none of them matched the level of some of my beginning reading students, so I decided to make my own simplified versions. I hope your children will enjoy playing them.
Thanks for reading,
Thanks for reading,
Tuesday, June 17, 2014
Parenting Tip - More Summer Ideas
Do you know about Audacity? It is a free recording and editing program you can download to your computer and it will give your children tons of fun this summer. It is easy to use (if I can use it, any kid can do it), and simple, but has the capacity to do editing, splicing and complicated things (that I can't do!).
Here are some ideas for your children to do with Audacity this summer:
1. Record funny goofy sounds and laugh (they have to do this first to get their sillies out before they can get down to some serious recording ideas)
2. Record themselves singing a song.
3. Record a story or book and send to someone (my grandchildren have done this each year at Christmas for me and it's fun to listen to them read. They didn't record it all in one day, but I could not tell where and when they stopped or started)
4. Record them playing a song they have learned on the piano or some other instrument (this is a great motivating factor to get them to practice).
5. Record your toddler's first words, sentences and song (a treasure you will cherish).
6. Record jokes
7. Record their talks they give in Primary or Church
8. Record original songs they play or improvise on the piano (this encourages their creativity)
9. Record interviews of grandparents
10. Record stories, poems, jokes, experiences, then burn to a CD and send to missionaries or grandparents.
11. Just let your children play around and learn the technology of recording, editing and burning.
I'm sure you and your children will come up with a lot of other
fun ideas.
Oh yeah, one last fun thing I've done with recordings--not with Audacity but on my cell phone. I
recorded my 4 year old grandson saying, "Grandma, you've got a text, Grandma, you've got a text, Grandma, you've got a text!"
I put that as my text alert and I love listening to him tell me I have a text several times a day. Other people get a kick out of it, too.
So if you don't want to download Audacity, record songs, poems, etc on your smart phone--tons of fun times for kids and adults!
Thanks for reading,
Here are some ideas for your children to do with Audacity this summer:

1. Record funny goofy sounds and laugh (they have to do this first to get their sillies out before they can get down to some serious recording ideas)
2. Record themselves singing a song.
3. Record a story or book and send to someone (my grandchildren have done this each year at Christmas for me and it's fun to listen to them read. They didn't record it all in one day, but I could not tell where and when they stopped or started)
4. Record them playing a song they have learned on the piano or some other instrument (this is a great motivating factor to get them to practice).
5. Record your toddler's first words, sentences and song (a treasure you will cherish).
6. Record jokes
7. Record their talks they give in Primary or Church
8. Record original songs they play or improvise on the piano (this encourages their creativity)
9. Record interviews of grandparents
10. Record stories, poems, jokes, experiences, then burn to a CD and send to missionaries or grandparents.
11. Just let your children play around and learn the technology of recording, editing and burning.
I'm sure you and your children will come up with a lot of other
fun ideas.
Oh yeah, one last fun thing I've done with recordings--not with Audacity but on my cell phone. I
recorded my 4 year old grandson saying, "Grandma, you've got a text, Grandma, you've got a text, Grandma, you've got a text!"
I put that as my text alert and I love listening to him tell me I have a text several times a day. Other people get a kick out of it, too.
So if you don't want to download Audacity, record songs, poems, etc on your smart phone--tons of fun times for kids and adults!
Thanks for reading,
Monday, June 16, 2014
Parenting Tip - 37 Things to do this Summer
Several years ago I compiled the following list of Things-to-do-instead-of-watching-tv. I mailed it to my grandchildren with an empty container and instructed them to cut the ideas apart in strips, fold the strips in half, put them in the container and then pull one idea out and do it when they were bored.
You might want to use these ideas for some fun summer activities.
- Play with play doh or make some if you don’t have any. Find new things to play with like toothpicks, kitchen utensils, paper cups, muffin tins, etc
- Read books- maybe you could tape record yourself reading them.
- Dress up in dress up clothes or old baby clothes, or Mom’s clothes
- Play with magnets. Go around the house and find things made of metal.
- Play with Puzzles. Or make your own out of a magazine picture or coloring picture.
- Make cookies
- Make bread
- Wash windows in your house with a wet cloth
- Put a small amount of rice in a container. Draw alphabet letters and pictures with your fingers in the rice.
- Write your name with glue on a piece of paper, then put macaroni on top of the glue
- Put a little bit of hair gel in a zip lock bag and squeeze it or/and practice writing alphabet letters on the outside.
- Listen to children’s music Cds
- Play a game with your mom for 15 minutes then it’s your turn to play alone
- Play with empty boxes. Find different sizes. What can you make?
- Make animal faces out of paper plates or masks or draw colorful designs on them.
- Cut newspapers with scissors. Cut long strips or squares.
- Color with markers. Mail your picture to Grandma.
- Write or draw on a dry erase board.
- Dig in the dirt.
- Scrub floor and walls with wet sponge
- Play with spray bottle outside
- Write name in a fancy outline font on the computer, then print and color with crayons
- Write numbers or the alphabet on the computer and then color them.
- Make up a game to play with socks
- Play store
- Play library
- Play school
- Play Primary (let them discover their own microphone.)
- Hold a mirror so it shows the ceiling and walk around on the “ceiling”
- Make designs on sandpaper with different colors and lengths of yarn
- Tie a clothesline on 2 chairs and hang an assortment of "clothes" with clothespins
- Make sticky masking tape balls to throw at the wall, fridge, etc. Watch them stick!
- Have treasure hunt in tub of cotton balls (lots of goodies can hide in a tub of cotton balls)
- Play a game with salad tongs. Gather several items and a big bowl. See if you can pick up the items and place them in the bowl using the salad tongs.
- Lay wash cloths or towels or pillows on the floor. Jump from one to another without touching the floor in between them. Pretend the alligators or sharks are in the water.
- Play with a hairdressing prop box. Don’t throw away that old hairdryer, remove the cord and save it for the hairdresser box. Throw in some rollers and hairbrushes and clips and you have a great start to a salon.
- Play with shaving foam in the bath tub or on the kitchen table.
- Have fun this summer!
- Thanks for reading!
- Cathy
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