I'm feeling guilty because I have 4 CDs I haven't given away yet. So here's your lucky chance to win a free Christmas gift!
Eclipse is a great acapella men's choir.
The album features "ten new arrangements that are both inventive and engaging".

Wee Jambore and Playground
Hootenanny are two CDs that are
produced by musical parents whose children
attend the same preschool together.
Really fun to listen to.
Last, but not least is another Daddy plays guitar lullabies. This daddy really know how to play them!
If you haven't been a winner before, please leave me a comment before Thursday. Some of my readers have mentioned that they can't leave a comment. So if this is happening to you--I'm sorry. Instead you can email me at: cathyplaysmusic@gmail.com and I'll enter you into the drawing. I like comments--hint, hint, so please email me or leave a comment here.