
Monday, April 28, 2014

Parenting Tip - Simplify and Enjoy

After a family dinner last night where we used paper plates--I love them for a quick and easy clean up--my daughter reminisced about how after dinner, my husband would always fold his paper plate in half, then in fourths and stick it in his fork tongs to throw away.  A fun memory of Dad that we saw him do over and over every night--never realizing that after he was gone, this would become a cherished memory.

Did you catch that I said over and over every night?  Yes, I must confess that for about 10 years we always ate dinner on paper plates.  Now first I hasten to tell you that we didn't have a dish washer--still don't--so I was the dish washer.  And this started after my fourth baby was born.  I decided I needed some simplification in my life what with having a new baby and 3 very active young boys. I told my husband we were going to use paper plates for a months or so...just till I got back on my feet.

Many years later....and several more babies later.....I realized we were still eating on paper plates.  By this time I had older children who had become the dish washers, so we switched over to real plates.

I never felt guilty about using paper plates and clogging the garbage dump with more paper.  I never felt guilty about the expense of buying paper plates.  I just thoroughly enjoyed the ease they gave to my hectic dinner routine.

Do you have something you use that helps simplify your life, even though it could be classified as a "luxury"?  Do you use Rhodes frozen dough instead of making your own?  How about expensive spices or baby food in a jar instead of blending your own?  Do you subscribe to cable so you have a better choice of good entertainment?

There are lots of things we probably spend our money on, that we could call luxuries, and could save money if we did without them.


There's a time and place for everything.  So if now is the time and place.

Enjoy your little luxuries and......


Thanks for reading,

 PS.  What do you do that helps simplify your life, schedule, routine?  Leave a comment and tell us.
