
Thursday, May 30, 2013

Music Tip - Pete the Cat Books

Have you heard about or read Pete the Cat books?  I had never heard of him until I visited my grandkids in Utah.  One day someone in the family said something--can't remember what--- then all of a sudden the whole family started singing a funny little song.  I found out the song was from one of the Pete the Cat books.

I decided to investigate and this is what I found out:  Pete the Cat books are famous!  And cute! Some have songs in them, and Pete teaches something in each book like colors, numbers, being a good helper, etc.  They tend to be written for toddler to early elementary grade children.

The website at Harper Collins Children's  has a lot of fun activities to do in connection with Pete.You can learn about the author/illustrator, read about the books, download free activity pages and download the songs for free as well. 

Check out Pete on You Tube.  Several of the books are read and sung.  Your young children will love Pete!

Thanks for reading,




Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mother's Day!

If you're a daughter--tell your mother how much you love her.
If you're a mother--tell your children how much you love them.
If you're a mother feeling bad about how you "mother" your children--change ONE thing today.

Be happy.
Be grateful.
Love life.

Thanks for reading,



Monday, May 6, 2013

Parenting Tip - Have a More Meaningful Mothers Day

I hate Mother's Day.  I know, I know. I'm horrible.  I don't mind honoring MY mother, of course-- she's one in a million.  It's all the attention I feel like I'm getting, but not deserving and I would just rather hibernate until the day is over.

But this year, I would like you to visit the Arizona American Mother's blog.  Tamara Passey, 2013 Young Mother of the Year, is posting ideas each day that will help you make Mother's Day a little more meaningful in your life.

Go check it out!

Thanks for reading,
