
Sunday, April 1, 2012

Music Tip - The song of a child

I was touched today, when I heard this story, told by one of the speakers at my church's conference.

During the earthquake in Haiti, a distraught father and mother ran from work to their apartment building to check on their 3 children, only to see that the whole building had collapsed and was in ruins.

There could not possibly be any survivors.  As they wept and mourned with others around them, suddenly the sound of a baby crying was heard.  Under the rubble a baby was found alive--their baby.  Then they heard singing--a child was singing--unbelievably their son!  He said he knew if he sang, his father would find him.  And then they found their third child alive as well.  A miracle! 

A child singing as he lay amid broken walls and bricks, trapped and waiting to be found.


What power there is in music.  Power to calm our souls as we wait in the dark, power to reach out to others, power to join our love with others.

It is a gift.  Let us use this gift to bring love, laughter and healing into our homes and families.   

Thanks for reading,

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