
Monday, February 20, 2012

Music/Parenting Tip - Free Music Class Offer

WOW!  I was just on TV this morning!  I am the new 2012 Arizona Mother of the Year and KPHO Channel 5 had me on their morning show for an interview.  I was really nervous at first, while I waited in the "green room", but Nicole Crites, who anchors the CBS 5 Morning News, came back to talk to me a couple of times before I went on.  She has two young children and she is a quilter too, so we bonded immediately.

Here is my wish for this year:  I would love for mother's groups across Arizona to invite me to their group meeting for a FREE Mom/tot music class.  I want to share my love of music with families as well as to encourage mothers to keep doing the wonderful job they are doing.  So please get a group of friends together or let your mother's group know about my offer.  Then email me and we can arrange a time for me to come and give a free music class.  I'll bring my scarves, balls, puppets and a little bit of parenting advice and we'll have a marvelous time!

Thanks for all your support,



  1. Congratulations! And what a great interview. Thanks for everything you share on your wonderful blog!

  2. I am not surprised at all! You are AMAZING!!! I'm glad you were recognized for just how awesome you are! ;)

    1. Thank you Jenny and Bree! You have a fun life of mothering ahead for both of you.

