
Sunday, January 8, 2012

Parenting Tip - Ways to Filter the Internet on your Computer

My Church had a special Fireside last night and though I didn't want to go, I went.  I hated every minute I was there because it was on a subject I hate--pornography.  But the information was so positive with a twist on parents teaching their children good things, I felt impressed to share it with you.

The title was "Shepherding Your Son's Sexuality".  The speaker, Dan Oakes, talked about positive things to do with your children and said it is our duty, as parents, to teach positive sexuality to our children because Satan is teaching them otherwise.  Here are some points to consider:

*Teach your sons (and daughters) early about developmental facts of their bodies (He suggested age 8 for the "mechanics" of reproduction, then again at age 11 before puberty really starts to happen-though sexual feelings start gradually at a earlier age too)

*Focus on the physical development of the body and also the moral issues.  Talk about how it's natural to feel the feelings they are experiencing.  God made them that way on purpose, but there is a time and place for expressing love and these feelings. 


*Talk about what is normal and what is not acceptable behavior.

*Acknowledge sexuality as a gift from God--that's how families are made and how husbands and wives remain close to each other in marriage

*Show strong and abiding affection for your spouse

*Talk regularly about sexual feelings, computer use, things you see on TV, happenings at school—
on a monthly basis!

*Control your computer!!!  Filter the internet before it gets to your house by using a DNS server company.  This is a free service and filters about 80% of the pornography.  See

Some routers are designed to filter even banner adds.
Filter by limiting the access through the log-in screen.

Filter the internet with tools already in internet explorer to filter content.  Open Internet Explorer by clicking the Start button.  In the search box, type Internet Explorer, and then in the list of results, click Internet Explorer.  Click the Tools button and then click Internet options.  Click the Content tab.

Filter the internet by utilizing Safe Search on the major search engines.  You must have an account with these websites like a Gmail account or a MSN or Hotmail account, and has to be activated in the account settings.

Parents, you must TEACH your children correct principles before the world teaches them false lies.
What a blessing we have as stewards over our children to teach them of a loving God and His plan for happiness.

Thanks for reading-Cathy



  1. This is great info, and perfect timing for me. Thanks for posting. (That stuff is uncomfortable for me, since my kids' dad has/had problems. But this was really hlepful.)

  2. I'm so glad you posted this because we missed the fireside and this is something I worry about for my boys. Thank you!!

  3. Thank you, I was just talking with a friend of mine about teaching children about that. Thank you for taking the time to post that.
    And we are very excited to start the music class!!

