
Sunday, April 10, 2011

Music Tip #70 CD Give Aways

OK here’s the 2 CDs I’m reviewing and giving away. Thank goodness I get to keep my copies and the publisher will mail the lucky winners their own copy.

The first CD is by Josh Wright. He is a 23 year old classical pianist who combines the well known classic melodies with equally well loved hymns. All I can say is AMAZING!! Who would have thought to put Clair de lune with How Great Thou Art? You have to hear it—it is so beautiful. The album has 3 hymn/classic medleys besides the other great classics such as Rachmaninoff's "Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini" and Satie's "Gynopedi No. 1. The last piece is Liszt's "La Campanella which he plays on two grand pianos! Of course you can’t see that on the CD but you can see it here:

Maybe the best recommendation for buying this CD (if you don’t win it) is what my friend, Debbie, said while we were listening to it while we were sewing one evening. She said, “I’m sorry, Cathy, but I’m going to have to take your CD home with me tonight. I have to listen to it again!”

The second CD I’m reviewing actually comes with a book. It is by Hilary Weeks and is called, “Bedtime and Naptime…and Bedtime and Naptime-The Simple Joys of a Mom’s Life”. I LOVE it. The CD contains funny song parodies— like from “My Favorite Things” she names “bedtime and naptime and naptime and bedtime…” Another is “Climb every mountain, wash every load. If you’re alive and breathing, then there are clothes to fold.”

The small book contains quotes, experiences, memories, insights and recipes. One of her insights I love mentions how frustrated she got when she didn’t have big blocks of time to do what she wanted to do. She found she had to use 15 minutes here and 10 minutes there and the Lord would magnify her efforts and multiply her output. The same can happen to us.

Please leave me a comment or just your name and email address and I’ll choose two (2) lucky winners next week!


  1. How fun! I'd love to win one of those :)
    Jenny Boster,

  2. The suggestions you gave sound great! Count me in as a give-away participant. Gabriele at

  3. I'm in! And if I don't win, I think our family just might get the first one for Easter. It sounds wonderful!

  4. Wow! I just watched the Josh Wright video. That is crazy!

  5. ooo i want them!!
    Elizabeth Miranda,

  6. Wow, I didn't know you had this blog. I'll be visiting more often. The bedtime/naptime one would be awesome for my son's family.
    Margaret L. Turley

  7. Pick me!

  8. This is fantastic! Oh... it would be so wonderful to hear those songs floating through my home! :)

  9. I would love to be inspired by these musicians! Thanks for the potential opportunity.

  10. Cathy I would love to be a lucky winner of one of these awesome CDs. Please enter my name in the drawing. Thanks, Pam F.

  11. I would love one of these!

  12. These look great! I would love to win one! Thanks, Cathy!

