
Monday, January 18, 2010

Music Tip #22 Record voices for posterity

I teach general music to K-6th graders at Eagleridge, an enrichment program offered by the Mesa Public Schools to homeschooled children. I love it! This past week I've been experimenting with recording my students with the free recording program called Audacity. It is very easy and simple to use. You can click here to listen to some of our recordings:
You can easily download this program and record your own children. Record them singing, talking, telling a story, answering questions. Then burn it to a CD and you'll have a audio memory you will treasure for always.

We're making a CD for our grandchildren. This is our third one to make. I'm recording my sister telling her "famous" stories she use to tell all the nieces and nephews. I'm recording my mom and dad and mother-inlaw telling stories from their childhood and bearing their testimonies of their faith in God. I'm recording some favorite songs we used to sing when my children were young.

What great technology we have today! Let's utilize it to our advantage and help preserve those soon to be forgotten little voices and older voices too.

1 comment:

  1. I am a firm believer in this! I hope your followers really listen to this counsel.

