
Saturday, October 3, 2009

ASU Music class for Tiny Tots

Here's the link for the Cuppy Cake song and lyrics we did in class today. Hope you enjoy it.

If you want to play "Do Your Ears Hang Low" on your recorder, here's how it goes. Remember to cover the hole in back plus the 1st hole in front=B, 2 holes covered in front=A, 3 holes covered in front=G

Do your ears hang low? B A G G G
Do they wobble to and fro? (no recorder notes on this line)
Can you tie them in a knot? G A B B B B B
Can you tie them in a bow? G A B A A A A
Can you throw them over your shoulder B A G G G G G G G
Like a Continental soldier? (no recorder)
Do your ears hang low? G A B A G

Have fun! Bring your recorder to class next week and play with us!

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